Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society
The Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society is a 501(c)(3) organization that is dedicated to studying, preserving, restoring, and educating the public about the Cajun Prairie Habitat, associated habitats and projects. Please help preserve one of the most important natural resources to South Louisiana and the region by becoming a member and/or making a donation to either the CPHPS Current Projects Fund or the CPHPS Endowment Fund. Become a member of the Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society. With your membership you will receive the newsletter and updates on what is going on with the prairie and how you can get involved.
Pay your dues with a credit card or PayPal account. If you pay with PayPal, complete the Membership-Donation Form with the information and either mail it to the address given OR send an electronic copy to jacalynduncan@hotmail.com
Student - $10

Individual - $20

Family - $25

To pay your dues by mail (check): Please print out the pdf and send it by mail along with your dues.